This fish can fly hundreds of feet in the air, does not flap its wings like birds, this amazing quality surprises!

This fish can fly hundreds of feet in the air, does not flap its wings like birds, this amazing quality surprises!

Flying Fish: Many unique creatures and animals are found in nature, whose characteristics are surprising. Flying fish is one of them, which can fly hundreds of feet in the air. Although it does not flap its wings like birds. They are also known as flying cod. Their fins are different from those of other fish, due to which they are able to fly in the air. This quality is astonishing.

According to the report of, flying fish are found in oceans around the world. They have special types of wings, which enable them to fly potentially up to 650 feet above the surface of the water. Also, when they encounter a predator in the sea, these fins also help them to swim quickly.

Why does this fish fly in the air?

A video of this fish is going viral on the social media platform Looks like.

See here- Flying Fish Twitter Viral Video

This video is one minute and 14 seconds long, posted by a user named @Thuthuy1262.

Flying Fish Amazing Facts

The body of flying fish can be blue, black, white and silver. It is an omnivorous fish, which can be 15 cm to 51 cm long. Their weight can be up to 900 grams. These fish are part of the Exocotidae family and there are more than 40 species of them. However, overfishing by humans is the biggest threat to their existence.

This fish swims towards the surface of the water at a speed of 3 feet per second. Before taking flight, they flap their tail rapidly about 70 times a second and keep their wings close to their body. After this, as soon as they come out of the water surface, they spread their wings and then start flying in the air.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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